Renovations 2

This week's comic is a sequel to last week's Renovations 1. After being on the road for six comic conventions across British Columbia, Emma and I were excited to relax at my parents' house in Courtenay, BC, but they had other ideas. Make sure you scroll back to read all about it!

See you in a week for another comic! Emma and I are in the processing of moving back to the Middle East and once we are settled, expect comics to be published with more frequency!

Renovations 1

This comic takes place immediately following our last comic convention appearance this summer. Make sure you back and read Small Time Con 1 & 2 and Comfort Zone!

And make sure you come back next week for the sequel to this week's comic! Emma and I are in the processing of moving back to the Middle East and once we are settled, expect comics to be published with more frequency!

Lion Cut

Because we used to live in Kuwait, we had to get Thor regular haircuts. I was pretty shocked the first time Emma brought him home with a "lion cut" (you can read all about it in my upcoming graphic novel, You're Stuck With Me Now! Join my newsletter below for more info). Since we moved to Canada, it's been too darn cold to need a hair cut. Thankfully, it looks like summer is finally here! 

What do you guys think of the colour and the odd layout of this week's comic? Any feedback? Is it something I should try again in the future? Let me know!